Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wikipedia is Good

Today in class, Mr. Schick told us about how we can improve our blogs by making them better. He told us how we can add links to our blogs so we can easily access important sites that we will be using throughout the year. He said that by the end of the semester, we would have between 20 and 30 links attached to our blog! Mr. Schick also went over different sources that we can find our information from when writing research papers. He went over the "good" sites to use, and the "bad" sites to use. I found out that, to my surprise, Wikipedia was one of the "good" sites to use when finding information. I was always taught that Wikipedia was an "unreliable source", and that people can edit the site at any time and give people misinformation. Mr. Schick agreed that it is possible to edit on the site, but he thinks that such a HUGE resource of facts and information shouldn't be ignored. He said that Wikipedia is the largest collection of human knowledge in the world! Mr. Schick also said that you need to create an account on Wikipedia to edit, so that way no one can just edit the site as they pleased. Also, if you are caught giving untrue information on the site, you can be banned from the site altogether! Plus, teachers, historians, scientists, workers for Wikipedia, and other knowledgeable people are always checking the site. If they see that there is an untrue statement on the site, they can re-edit it and fix the mistake. Mr. Schick said that there is a very little chance that you will find an untrue statement on Wikipedia. He actually REQUIRES us to have Wikipedia as at least one of your sources when writing a paper for him. I may not use Wikipedia for other teachers, but I will definitely use Wikipedia for Mr. Schick's class.

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