Sunday, September 23, 2012

Friday, September 21

Today's class period was a lot like Thursdays period. We still had a few groups who haven't presented their presentations to the class. We watched their presentations and they were very interesting. That part took up most of the period. When everyone finally finished presenting, Mr. Schick told us how to study for the Test he was assigning Monday. He said that it would be on everything that we have discussed since the first day of school. He told us that one of the main reasons for writing these blogs is to help us study for tests he will assign us. These blogs will tell us about what we did everyday in class. He said we need to review Socrates and A Message to Garcia, and the Did You Know video. His test will also cover some of the population terms we were talking about recently. I hope I copied down enough information about what we did in class.

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