Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Thursday September 26, 2012

Today, we got our tests back from the other day. Before he started to pass them out, he said that if we heard a bell sound ( him pressing one of those bellhop bells), it means we got an A on our test. If we didn't hear the bell, it means that you either got a B, C, D, or F. When my turn came around, I was glad that I heard the bell. I thought that I would have done worse because of this one set of questions I was unsure about, but whatever. We spent much of the class period reviewing the answers to the questions on the test. I didn't have many wrong answers, so it was a bit boring for me. During the entire class, people were talking while Mr. Schick was, and he had to keep reminding us to stop talking. After the 5th or 6th time, when the class kept talking, Mr. Schick actually left the room. It took a bit for the entire class to realize that the teacher left. Everyone eventually got it, and we stayed silent until Mr. Schick came back in. We now know that it is rude to talk over the teacher. After that whole thing was settled, we watched a bit more of "God Grew Tired of Us"

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