Monday, September 24, 2012

"God Grew Tired of Us"

Today was our first test in Mr. Schick's class. I made sure to study my blogs and review my notes so I would be well prepared for today. I thought the test was very easy, and I was very glad I studied. After everyone was finished, Mr. Schick told us about a video he wanted to show us. The title was called "God Grew Tired of Us" It is a true story about 3 boys who lived in Sudan during the late 1980s. There was a civil war in Sudan, and the 3 boys along with many others try to make their way out of Sudan to avoid religious persecution. We watched the first 20 minutes of it, and I was horrified at what I saw. Some people looked like skeletons with skin on them. Others were so skinny that they couldn't even walk! When I see these people it makes me realize that I take many things for granted. I am very interested about what will be in the rest of the video tomorrow. I also hope that I get a good grade on the test I took today.

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