Thursday, September 20, 2012

Sharing our Google Documents

Today, we presented to the class all of our Google documents. My groups document was about Nigeria. Others included Indonesia and India.Our group was the second or third group to present. Each of the members of my group shared what they wrote in the document. When I was presenting my portion of the document, I found that I made a typo when writing it. I pointed it out and told people to ignore it. I get nervous when I am speaking in front of a lot of people, and my face started to get red. Mr. Schick asked if I was alright, and I said yes. He then asked me if I was going to cry (as a joke), and I responded by saying no in a high voice. My voice cracked, and everyone laughed including me. I thought that we did pretty good presenting. I was also interested by the other presentations people gave. I am also glad that Mr. Schick postponed the test he was going to give Friday, to Monday. That will give me extra time to study about what we learned.

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