Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Reviewing Answers

Today in class, we went over last nights homework. Since our homework was a very lengthy subject, we pretty much spent the whole time reviewing answers. That however, doesn't mean that it was a boring class day. We learned about interesting topics that are going on in the world today. Like the fact that Iran and Pakistan have control over nuclear weapons, share borders with each other, and are not very good friends with each other either. We also learned other things, like the reason Saudi Arabia is doing so well is because it is sitting on one of the largest oil reserves in the world, and that the United States imports and consumes more oil than any other country in the world. Besides the fact that we reviewed or homework, we didn't really do much else. I was looking at Mr. Schick's blog today, and I noticed that their was a video link for a video section 1 watched today. I am very curious to know what that video is about. I am interested to know what tomorrow has in store for us.

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