Saturday, September 15, 2012

What is a "Record Player"?

We came into class today ready to share what we thought was the most interesting facts in the video we were assigned to watch. I mentioned some of the interesting facts in my previous blog. We had a very interesting discussion about what was in the video we saw. Mr. Schick told us that half the stuff that was in the video didn't exist when he was a kid. He said that there were no such things as i pods and cell phones when he was young. Back then, you had these big music discs that you put on a big record player. You also had a home phone that was attached to a cord, plus it was fairly large. If you were to go back in time about 25 years, they would think you were crazy when you told them that you will be able to take pictures, or surf the internet on your phone. They would also think you were crazy when you said that computers would be in every home in America 25 years from now. If this much can be accomplished in 25 years (music discs to i pods), think of how much will be accomplished in another 25 years. We talked about what we thought would be in the near future. One person suggested that there would be microchips installed into peoples brains, and you could play music by just thinking about it. The next generation of kids will think it is crazy that we had i pods everywhere, when you can just listen to it in your head instead.

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