Monday, November 12, 2012

Reviewing the Second quiz

Today we got our 2nd quiz of the 2nd quarter of the year today. As I predicted, I got 100% on the front of the quiz, but the back I got a few wrong. My grade totaled up to about 84% for the whole quiz. Today was Veteran's Day, a day where we celebrate the heroic accomplishments of our former servers of the military. Since we had an assembly in the gym for an hour during the day, today's class period was shortened to about 40 minutes.  Most of that time was spent going over the test and how we did compared to other classes. Ours unfortunately, had the lowest average of the other two classes. Also, two of my classmates shared the same birthday today. We sang "Happy Birthday" to them and then resumed with the reviewing of the test. Another thing  Mr. Schick mentioned was that we would have to be writing an essay on presidents of countries. He said that he would give more information as it comes, but it only has to be a mere 500 words. That shouldn't be to much of a problem to me. But for now, i'm satisfied with my quiz score.

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