Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Reviewing Presidents (again)

Today in class, we reviewed our quizzes on the various presidents of the countries we learned about. We each shared our facts on the presidents listed in our blogs, while Mr. Schick added from our comments and told us about each of the presidents different life styles. When we were talking about Brazil's current president, Dilma Rouseff, Mr. Schick explained that she was arrested and tortured for committing a coupd'etat, or in other words, a revolt to gain control of power in a country. We learned that she was in prison for 3 years, and she was tortured using a method of torture called the parrot's perch. Basically, you were stripped down naked, while being tied to a pole by your hands and legs. As you are in this position, people shock you with electrical pulses too. So to think that Dilma Rouseff became the persident of Brazil years later is astonishing.

We also learned that the President of Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai, has escaped at least 4 assassination plots since his presidency. Also the King of Saudi Arabia, Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, has 13 wives and at least 35 children! There is so much about people that we just never knew about.

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