Monday, November 26, 2012

Monday November 26, 2012

After a long Thanksgiving break, we all came back to school today. In Mr. Schick's class, we got our tests back. I was glad to hear that I got a perfect score on it. When Mr. Schick called on me to reveal the answer of number 11, I was not paying attention, and there was a long awkward pause. I finally realized I was being called on, and answered the question.

After we reviewed the test, Mr. Schick told us that he arranged a guest speaker to come talk to the school tomorrow. He told us that it was Gerry Sandusky that would be talking to us. However, he isn't the child molester from Penn State, he is a local news broadcaster and announcer for the Baltimore Ravens. He has been having a bit of trouble recently, because people think that he is the Penn State coach that abused his students, when really he just coincidentally has the same name as him. He has received death threats on twitter, and  people have been giving him suspicious looks and bad comments. People automatically make the connection to the coach Jerry Sandusky, and they don't realize that the BAD one is in prison. So the main reason why he is coming here to talk to us is to give advice on what to do in a bad situation, and to talk about the trouble he has been getting from people recently.

Later, we started a video called "The Peoples Republic of Capitalism". The video is about China's economy and how it is affiliated with the United States economy. We only got through about 10 minutes of it before the bell rang. I am excited to watch the rest of the video, and most of all, to hear Gerry Sandusky speak to the John Carroll student body.

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