Monday, January 14, 2013

What I think my Grade for Class Participation Should be and What I did Today in Class.

I think my class participation grade in the class should be an 85%. I believe that there is much to improve on if I want to get a good grade in this class. I answer questions occasionally, but I feel like I am not participating as much as other people are. In Western Civ, I want to try to be a bit more outgoing and to try to participate as much as I can.

Today we took an end-of-the-semester survey on the internet. The survey involved questions related to the the teachers teaching performance and how much we had learned during the class. I thought Mr. Schick did an excellent job teaching us this year. After we finished the survey, we looked on the C.I.A World Factbook and researched Papua New Guinea. We found some very interesting facts on the economy, transportation, population, etc. Some of them are that the unemployment rate is only 1.9%! Another fact is that Papua New Guinea's economy is the 12th fastest growing economy in the world.
Not only were the facts related to Papua New Guinea, we heard some very interesting facts about other countries as well, like that 50.5 % of the world's population live in cities, and that for the first time ever in the United States, more woman are getting Bachelor's Degrees and Master's Degrees than men are. 

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