Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Talking about school shootings

Today's class was spent talking about the upcoming lock-down drill that we will be having tomorrow. We started out by saying what we would do when the lock-down occurs. We would first hear on the announcements that the lock-down would be occurring at that time. Next, we would shut off all of the lights, lock the door, and all gather into a corner of the room so that we can't be seen from the outside. If there were ever an intruder with an armed weapon in the school, he/she would not be able to see us from the outside of the classroom.  This also brought up the recent shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, and the other shooting that took place at Columbine High School. We learned about some stories from the people who were victims or witnesses at both shootings. We also talked about gun laws in the United States, and which guns were legal and illegal to own. I am glad we reviewed over all of this, and I am prepared for what is to happen tomorrow.

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