Saturday, January 12, 2013

Friday, January 11th 2013

Today we watched more of Guns, Germs, and Steel. Jared Diamond believes that New Guineans didn't have a chance to advance in their culture, because they spent too much time and effort feeding themselves. However, in the Middle East, people were able to advance because of the large amount of crops and plants that lived there long ago. Hover over time, the people of the Middle East started to destroy the environment, and the soil started to become useless. As a result. people began to expand eastward and westward of the Fertile Crescent, into Europe and into Asia. Some of the most powerful ancient civilizations, like the Greeks, Romans, and the Egyptians, are believed to be a result of this eastward and westward expansion.
we also learned that Jared Diamond believes that the answer to Yali's question lies in geography. Diamonds believes that if New Guinea shared the same geographical benefits as other countries, then they could have been one of the first to advance.

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