Thursday, October 18, 2012

Reviewing Religions

Today was spent recapping on the major religions of the world. When class started, Mr. Schick found a spider behind his chair. He squished it with his shoe, which led to a conversation about how stink bugs are such a nuisance to all of us. Mr. Schick said that he found about 50 of them behind this one picture hanging on his wall. After we talked about that, we started with Islam. I found that the Islamic faith is very interesting, and the way that their culture does things is very different from the way Christians do. I found out that Islamic people (Muslims), must know the direction of the holy city of Mecca, in relation to wherever they are. I also learned that that they must pray 5 times a day, facing the location of Mecca. I think that's really cool.
Next, we reviewed Buddhism. I found out that Buddhism doesn't have a god or holy book. It's more of a practice, or a way of living your life if anything. Hinduism is very much the same concept. Both are ways of life, rather than believing in a god or worshiping a higher power.I heard that following some of the practices or methods of living your life can help you reach Nirvana, or in other words, content or happiness. Both religions are very old, with Buddhism dating back to 500 B.C.E and Hinduism dating back to over 3000 years ago! After we discussed those religions, we went over Judaism a little bit before class ended. Judaism was actually the original religion for what is now Christianity and Islam. This means that both of those religions originated from Judaism. There have been records hat trace back to Judaism 3000 years ago. That's 1000 years before Jesus Christ was even born!

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