Friday, October 5, 2012

Our Second Test

Today in class, we took our test on the documentary "God Grew Tired of Us". The test consisted of 20 questions, each worth 5 points, to make a total of 100 points. All of the questions were "fill-in-the-blank", which meant that you had to fill a word in the blank to make the sentence true. If you got the answer wrong, you got 0 points. If you got the answer right, you got 5 points, but if you spelled it incorrectly, you lost a point. I was a bit unprepared because I was not expecting the test to be in this format. Luckily,  Mr. Schick gave us 15 minutes before the test to review our notes so we could do well. I feel pretty confident about how I did. I though that after I reviewed my notes, the test wasn't so bad after all. One of my classmates had the town name in which one of the lost boys lived in, on her sweatshirt. Plus, that question was on the test. It was funny when many classmates spelled the town name wrong, when they could have just looked at the students shirt to get the answer. I am excited to start our next unit so we can learn about more fascinating things.

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