Monday, October 15, 2012

Cultural Characteristics

In today's class, we reviewed cultural characteristics that can combine or separate different ethnic groups. Some examples include: language, ethnic heritage, and religion. During the 'language' part of the lesson, we talked about a few examples in which language either joined or separated 2 groups of people. One example of how it joined people, is when Canada became a bilingual nation. Currently, its 2 official languages are English and French. One reason on how language can separate people, is how Brazil is the only South American nation which does not have Spanish as a dominant language. Its main language is actually Portuguese. This pattern continued until we got to the 'religion' segment of the lesson. During that time, we reviewed the major religions of the world, and reviewed our answers to the research about the religions in our previous blog. Again, the 5 major religions of the world are: Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.  

P.S.  Feel free to feed my fish   :D

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