Monday, October 8, 2012

Our Second Project

Today in class, we got our "God Grew Tired of Us" tests back. I was surprised that no one got below a 70% on the test. However, there were no 100%'s either. All of us got in between those numbers on the test. I got an 85%, which isn't bad. After he finished passing out the tests, Mr. Schick introduced a new student in our class from Nigeria. We are all excited to have him with us in Human Geography. Today in the United States, we celebrate Columbus Day. Christopher Columbus discovered America while trying to make his way to India for trading purposes Mr. Schick said that when he was a kid, he had school off on Columbus Day, while nowadays it is not celebrated as much and we have school today. We had to do a project on Google documents today about a topic that he gave us. My group coincidentally was assigned to research Christopher Columbus. During class, we worked on the presentation so we could have it completed to share in class today. Besides that, not much else happened.

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