Saturday, December 1, 2012

People's Republic of Capitalism 3

Friday, we watched some more of "The People's Republic of Capitalism". In the video, the newscaster Ted Koppel interviewed a few Chinese people in Chongjing. One of the people she interviewed was a farm worker. Her husband is an alcoholic, and she has to do all of the farm work to send her daughter to school. Every week, when she harvests the crops, she must take the 120 pound load on her back, all the way to the place where she is selling it. Plus, with the 600 dollars she makes a year, over half of it goes to her daughters education. Another man that the movie interviewed was a local "bang bang man", or some one who carries luggage for people. From what he hears, he believes that the United States and China are in a very important relationship with each other, and that because Americans have more money, they are more generous and give good tips.

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