Monday, August 27, 2012

My First REAL Day at John Carroll

Today in class, we learned about how the year is going to work. We went over the prayer that we will say at the beginning of each of his classes. Mr. Schick also helped some of the students set up their blog, for the people who had trouble setting it up yesterday. The majority of the class was spent going over the syllabus we were supposed to read the previous night. Mr. Schick told us about the lateness policy, academic integrity, the grading methods, the materials needed, and other important topics. Once the mod was over, I thought to myself  that this year won't be so bad at all (not that I came into class with a bad attitude or anything). I am going to learn a lot of interesting things in this class, and meet lots of new people too. I am looking forward to an awesome school year in John Carroll!

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